Monday, October 30, 2006

No Hangover here

This weekends events involved a major city on the eastern seaboard, as well as some of the finest Belgian beers available. I arrived into the Alewife T station located on the fringe of Boston around 4:20 on Saturday afternoon. After parking my car, and getting my T pass, I made my way to Downtown Crossing via the Red line. I then proceeded to wait for Manzo, which is nothing new, as everyone waits for Manzo. I think Manzo middle name is Tardy. Once Manzo arrived we headed out to the vicinity of the Cyclorama, where the Belgian beer would be flowing freely, but only 2 ounces at a time.

I decided to exercise moderation for this event, and it paid off. I managed to wake up on Manzo's couch on Sunday morning without a hangover. Bonus. Although the extra hour of sleep really didn't amount to much since I awoke at 6:00am to the sounds of the wind whipping against the windows of Manzo's fresh bachelor pad. After pulling my stuff together it was off to Mikes for some cannolli then onto the T for my trip back to the car for the drive home to VT.

The remainder of the day was spent enjoying some QT with the entire family.

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