Sunday, September 30, 2007

Child free weekend!

Iz and I enjoyed a child free weekend in West Dover. Our friend Melanie took the girls for the entire weekend while we stayed at a friends ski house. We had an extremely relaxing weekend complete with two nights out for dinner. Friday night at the Roadhouse and Saturday night at the Doveberry Inn. We originally planned on going to Two Tannery Road Saturday night but unfortunately the earliest they could seat us was 9:00 pm, and that would have been way too late

Both meals were exquisite, in a truly bucolic Vermont setting. The Roadhouse had a pre-fix menu which was the hot setup for Friday, and the Doveberry was a quaint, yet elegant experience. During the day we basically just relaxed and got to catch up on our reading. I also managed to get some work related stuff done early in the afternoon which would prove to save me from some headaches on Monday.
I'm a firm believer that all parents should get away from their kids at least one night a month.

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