I had originally planned on brewing up 10 gallons on Atlbier this evening, however life seems to have gotten in the way, and I wasn't able to properly prepare for tonight brewing endeavor. I'm putting the alt on the back burner so that I may get started on my Bohemian Pilzner. In fact I'm considering a little experiment this time around (if I can find the room).
The plan is to brew back to back batches of the Bohemian Pilzner. The first time around performing a single decoction, and the second time around a single infusion mash. I'll re-use the yeast cake, as well as harvest some of the yeast this time around as a cost effective measure.
I haven't really planned to far ahead with this in mind, but I'm pretty certain I'll be able to pull it off if I time it just right. The key to any good brewing operation is really good planning.
See I don't want to be without beer to drink, and it wouldn't be prudent to have so many fermentors tied up in the lagering process, which could ultimately tie up my resources and for me to go without.